Customize your Work Order Workflow




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    Efix Housing Solutions
    Jacob, Thanks for support in the past. i am not able to get to the supoport a ticket tab. -My workorder are a little hosed. They all show unassigned. These were previously closed. Can you assist? _Can I save document (standards) in the software like leases etc. - I have allot of quarks when usig safari on ipad or explorer. is there a standard interface that is supported.
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    Jacob Thomason

    Hey Efix, would it be possible to submit a support ticket on this?  You can even access the support tab from the homepage and also you can submit a support ticket from this interface as well.  Thank you.

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    Cinnamon Smith

    How do vendors get the Tenants contact information since they are not shown on the actual work order sent to the Vendor?

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    Jacob Thomason

    Hey Cinnamon, tenant information isn't shared by default on work orders sent to vendors, you're correct.  That said, you can certainly add a required field to all work order submission for a "best contact number" among others like an "availability schedule", basically whatever info you'd want the vendor to have and whatever is needed to get the work order completed.

    By adding these custom questions, you're able to eliminate the need to go back and forth with a tenant to get the necessary details, just get all of it at once, assign the work orders, maybe follow up with the vendor and mark as completed.

    Certainly would love to hear any additional feedback or suggestions for improvement as we're always looking to make things even better.  Cheers!

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