Many times, especially when you’re getting started, you may wish to backdate rent. Maybe you’re wanting to back-date the start of the year to have full accounting history for the year. Or maybe you’d like to back-date to the start of a tenant’s lease period, so you have the full ledger history.
Regardless of the reason, back-dating can be important. The following steps demonstrate how you can back-date rent and/or other charges.
First start by clicking on the tenant actions button.
Next you’ll want to choose “Add/Adjust Charges”.
You’ll now have the “Add/Adjust Charges” screen. From here you can add new back-dated charges. Start by clicking the + icon to add a new charge.
Then choose the charge type. “Rental Revenue” is the system standard for rent charges.
Now input the amount of the charge, a description, a bill date (must be billed prior to due date), and finally a due date. Make the due date the actual date the charge was due.
Next we’ll go to the “Record Payment” screen under the tenant actions you accessed prior to record the actual payment.
Remember that charges must be added first and prior to payments being applied. You cannot apply a payment without charges to apply it against.
We’ll be sure to mark the “Recorded Date” to the actual date the payment was received, that we want it to be recorded as. This is important for an accurate ledger. In this case, we’re recorded a January rent payment that was received on time.
After setting the “Recorded Date”, we’ll be sure to only put the payment amount we’re applying to the respective charge. We don’t want to record one payment to all the charges, since that’s not how it was actually received.
Remember, this “Record Payment” screen is only for a single payment.
Finally, just hit save to record the back-dated rent payment. You’ll want to repeat this for each payment/charge you’re wanting to back-date.
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