When downloading an export in Safari or Internet Explorer it shows gibberish, why?
Unfortunately the Safari browser has failed to keep up with more modern technology. This issue does not exist on Firefox or Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge.
Despite that, if you're having this issue, please follow the following steps to save your export. You can still do it, it just takes another step...
Choose to export the file
Then you'll be presented with the following notice. Note that it's telling you what to do here...
You'll get a page that resembles this. Obviously this looks like an error, but it's actually trying to display the contents of the file in a raw format.
You'll just choose to "Save As..."
Put in the name of the file you want to save it as. Be sure to add the correct file extension on the end of the file. If it's an Excel spreadsheet, use ".xls". If it's a PDF, use ".pdf", etc.
And that's it. You can then close out that window/tab and return back to what you were doing.
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