How do I add company managers?



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    Jacob Thomason

    Hey Adam, I just tested adding a manager on our internal account without any issues.  Have you checked your spam folder to see if the email showed up in spam?  Have you tried another email address by chance?

    We're not currently showing any issues with the invite system sending emails.  What's the email address you're trying to send to?  Do you get any errors?  Thanks.

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    Adam Marlowe

    Hey Jacob,


    Thanks for the feedback, I have tried 3 different addresses and names and still no luck. I have also checked the SPAM folders to no avail. The email addresses are: (removed for privacy)

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    Jacob Thomason

    Hey Adam, I'm not showing any pending managers on your account.  I see that you had one pending that's now setup.  Did the email come through?

    I did notice that the system wasn't sending a new invite simply when you changed the email address of a pending manager.  We've applied a fix for this on our next update and it will now do so.  However, in the meantime, after you change the email address of a pending manager, you can select the resend invite link at the bottom of the form.

    Please let us know if you're still having any issues.  Thanks!

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