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    Jacob Thomason

    Hey Jim, you can add an expense from the Accounting -> Payables > receipts page with the + on the right side of your screen... Check out this guide for more information.

    FYI - we're working on the ability to directly convert a work order into an expense within your account.  Look for this feature soon!

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    Chris Simmons

    If I create the expense, and upload the receipt images for the owners to see, is that just tracking it for accounting purposes?  Is it possible to invoice a property owner so that they can electronically pay the invoice to me, like tenants pay rent?  What about for smaller repairs once a property is rented?  Is there functionality in place so that the repair amount will be withheld from the owner distribution or does that require manual effort on my part?

    What about an update on directly converting a work order into an expense?



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    Jacob Thomason

    Chris, few things here.  Maybe this should be their own topics even, but...

    Receipts/document storage are for reference purposes.  The ability to "invoice" owners will certainly be something we offer after our new payment system comes online first of the year.  Typically this is all handled through your last question though, the owner statements and distributions.  Expenses recorded, are automatically deducted from owner distribution amounts when using the generate functionality of the "Property Management" section of your accounting.

    Work order to expense conversion will be coming soon as well.  I don't have an official timeline, but that's in the pipeline for release soon after the new payments platform.

    I hope that helps.  Thanks!

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    Al Bunch

    Please define soon as your first post referencing soon was May of 2012, it has been 2 years and 8 months since then...

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    Jacob Thomason

    Hey Al, sorry, this particular feature was pushed back in favor of 3rd party accounting integration and additional payments support.  It's on our list and will be something we release after these other two items, which are slated for Q2 this year.

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